Criminal Law

 Criminal Law

The law office of Aundrea L. Roberts is available to represent those who have had a negative interaction with law enforcement. Call our office the moment you receive a citation or are placed under arrest. We will provide you with a staunch defense against most crimes, including minor ones you may think you won’t need representation to handle.


Georgia criminal law says that crimes punishable by less than a year in jail are misdemeanors. They are often offenses that spring from minor incidents like an argument on the street. You may think you wouldn’t need a lawyer to represent you. Even the smallest of crimes can negatively impact your future. Call us for help if you’ve received a misdemeanor citation in Atlanta. You won’t just be avoiding a fine or a few days in jail, you’ll be protecting your future.


You likely realize the need for an attorney if you’ve been charged with a felony. Do you realize how quickly you need to get in touch with an experienced criminal lawyer once you’ve been charged? An experienced criminal lawyer will start the battle with getting the facts, including your side of the story, before speaking to law enforcement. They may save you from a difficult situation. Our firm is the one you need in Atlanta for defending you against low-level offensives like drug possession. You might have made one mistake; don’t compound it by failing to get in touch with an aggressive criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.

Traffic citations

If you’re driving in Atlanta, you might find yourself receiving a ticket even though you’re driving under the speed limit. The “slowpoke” rule says you have to move over to the right in favor of faster drivers in the left lane. If you don’t, you could get a ticket. It may seem counter intuitive, perhaps even unfair. It’s the kind of situation that might remind you that a criminal defense attorney can help you even with minor offenses like traffic violations. You wouldn’t want your insurance premiums negatively impacted by honest mistakes. Call Aundrea L. Roberts for help today.

Post-conviction representation

In a worst-case scenario, you may find yourself convicted and sentenced by a court of law. There’s still hope. You may be eligible for a new trial if the circumstances warrant it. Aundrea L. Roberts can handle help you with post-conviction relief, whether it’s asking a judge to reduce your sentence or attempting to prove you received legally inadequate counsel in court. Contact our office and we will review your trial, or even guilty plea, and work out a strong case for an appeal.

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